Unfinished Replicas
Unfinished replicas come with a minor flashing or flange at the base. Some that are on bases have little or no dressing down required. The bottoms of most replicas are foam for easy dressing down. A Dremel tool can be used to easily dress down the base and drill out a place for the eyes. Artificial eyes are available upon request and are put in place with epoxy putties. After a little cleanup the replicas are ready to prime and paint. Most replicas come with a detailed paint chart to aid in the painting process. You may also purchase replicas sprayed with gesso primer and trimmed, ready to paint. (25% more of the unfinished cost) Larger rattlesnake replicas are manufactured with the capability to accommodate either real rattles or artificial rattles (included with each rattlesnake replica). Our catalog contains most of our current specimens available. Contact us if you have a special request, or any questions.