Reptile Replicas by Joe Morgan was first offered to the marketplace in 1989. We have expanded our line to incorporate a wide variety of turtles, snakes, lizards, frogs, alligators and salamanders. We have over 280 unique reptiles and amphibians, and are continually looking for new specimens to add to the Reptile Replica line. These replicas were originally offered as unfinished products only. Today every piece in our expansive product line can be purchased unfinished or completely painted or painted and put on a base. You may also purchase replicas trimmed and primed, ready for painting. (25% more of the unfinished cost)
Each replica is cast using an intricate process that has been developed over the years. This process allows the reptiles to look like they are actually alive. Our replicas are molded from lightweight durable materials and cast from original specimens. In this way one specimen can be used to make hundreds of replicas, making them an ideal alternative to skin-mounted animals. Many of the replicas in our catalog are endangered species, but the original specimens were obtained legally for use as a reproduction. Custom replicas can be manufactured upon request if a real specimen can be obtained.